One of my oldest memories is my mother's sewing machine. It was my first home. I drilled there for hours, carrying with me all my toys. It was a sewing machine furniture and the memory of its smell still accompanies me. No matter how many times I moved this sewing machine furniture, I took it with me. There I first learned to sew.
I try to explain why I always lived together in the same space as my dolls and everything else I made. It was recorded in my mind as a "unity" of my daily life. In my life so far I have moved many times, sometimes for Studies and sometimes for a change of residence. The places I lived in were always workshops.
Gradually my activities increased and my constructions grew. So it arose as a need to have a clearer space for my artistic activity.
And so, Create “Eugenia-lab”
A new space of creation is born!
I share with you, a small short excerpt from the workshop renovation. There is still a lot to be done but a lot has been done! I can now say, how until now I may have hosted my dolls, but now I am a guest in my dolls!