You have arrived in a world that expects to change for the better with art as a vehicle in everyday life.
At eugenia-lab I make dolls and the people around them. And not only. Here you will find bags, baskets, tables, pots, jewelry and anything that beautifies the space around you, professional or personal.
"The creative adult is the child who survived"
Happiness, joy, consolation, satisfaction, harmony. By creating, we create the world around us and put ourselves in harmony with the environment. The process of creation itself works "therapeutically" offering joy and satisfaction. As long as our brain is fed by stimuli and knowledge, it remains young and capable!
Workshops are done by me or others! (or even you too...).
They are housed in a space full of materials: fabrics, colors, music, noise, coffee!
In the laboratory we have the opportunity to learn together sometimes hosting my teachers, and sometimes just experimenting.
Future workshops - seminars will be announced in time.